Thursday, 26 January 2012

Fairytale Brides veil drama....How to add romance to your wedding photog...

                                                   Lesley Meredith

I have included  this video showing photographer Lesley Merediths images. This gave me inspiration to use the bride's veil to interesting effect in my reportage photo.The video is a good presentation of the photographer's  'romantic' images in both black and white and colour.

December Session 2011 - Photo Exhibition Carsten Windhorst

            Carsten Windhorst, Music Photographer.
This is a video I found on U Tube about Music Photographer Carsten Windhorst. It shows a show reel of a collection of all his music photography and the way he presented it at the exhibition held on December 2011 sessions photo wall exhibitions at the 02 in London. It shows some words about the images which he has written about and at the beginning some information about himself.It has been done in an interesting collage way.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

211 Presenting photo images

                        Presenting Photo Images. (211)

I have thought about how to present my 20 images, 10 from each of my themes, People & Portraits and Reportage.
I have decided to present them on Blogger site on the Internet mainly because it is convenient and cheap. The Internet allows for digital manipulation to get the image you really want and is easily available for most in this age of digital photography. Computers are accessible in many places if not personally owned. Laptops mean that the photos can be shown in a portable format and interest  generated in my photos through encouragement to view my Blogger site.
It allows me to be very much in charge of how the photos look and not reliant on outside agencies such as photolabs.

                Exhibition at Swadlincote.

Two Final Images I have chosen for the exhibition that Ian will be organising for us on February 6th for a week or two in the south Derbyshire district council in Swadlincote.
This is the alternative method I would use to present images. It could allow a vast variety of people to view if the exhibition is well publicised. The cost of hiring a suitable place for the exhibition would need to be considered although you could do a home exhibition. Invitations could be created show casing your best images. The presentation must be kept simple so the images can be viewed instantly,keeping the eyeline constant and with the pictures hung with a consistent gap. Prices for selling the prints would need to be decided.

Below are some images taken whilst at college, putting the final images into mounts and then framing them.
The prints were printed at Pro Am in Bradford
Printing paper used was Fuji Archive (Luster)

Print Size,   16 x 12
Frame Size,  20 x 16 (Black frame from Wilkinsons.)
Mount Size,  16 x12

                    Visiting the Exhibition in Swadlincote

These are the groups chosen photographs that were put on display. They were nicely presented.

Above are the details of who the images were done by and also information on how to purchase the images.

Whilst at the exhibition I was told of another Photographic exhibition at the local pottery museum. Below shows you how the photographer set up her work for sale to the public and the different ways of showcasing her work.  DyemWb5x2UrjbTSv6pVg&index=3&feature=plcp

The link above is a video of a collection of some of my images I made by using windows live movie maker.
Below shows a screen grab of how the video was produced.
So a video is an alternative presentation method easily shown on a networking site such as U tube,although computer accessibility is necessaryand viewers might be restricted. Also if music is added then copyright needs to be considered. Generally cost effective.

Below is a collage of images of my final 10 for reportage photography that I made in Photoshop .This shows  another form of presentation.They are easily visible altogether on one page and would be cost effective if printed off to show others.It could also be published on any site you publish your photographs on.


Different ways to present photo images.

Commercially photos can be used to produce personalised gifts such as keyrings,mugs,mouse mats,coasters,place mats,calenders,clocks,plaques,magnets,mobile phone covers,chopping boards,money boxes,cards, photo books.
On average prices can range from £3-£40 depending on item and size.


 These can be made available in different sizes and varied prices and used to showcase work. Personal photo art can also be produced and made into fun images such as caricatures.


Frames can come in all different sizes and shapes. Most High Street stores that offer Photographic equipment or image printing will also sell frames for images. Depending on the size though of the image you may have to take the image to be measured up and have a frame made especially in framing shops or some Art Shops where you can pick a variety of types of wood or patterns and colours A simple frame is often best in that it wont over power. A border might be used to separate the edge of the photo from the frame.

 Printing can be done through various types of printers  as shown above. The cost of printers are vary depending on make ,size of images it prints and the quality.You can buy printers from high street stores that sell photo equipment and you can also go into stores that offer a professional printing service so you can pick your photos up. You can also find sites on the Internet that will print your images and send them in the post.
You can use different types of Printing Photographic paper such as Gloss,Matt,Semi Gloss,Satin,High Gloss
Paper should be chosen to suit needs,thinking about size,type and weight.
High Gloss and Soft Gloss are best for albums,books,ect...
where prints are not displayed near reflective light.
Semi Gloss and Matt are ideal for framed photos to reduce the glare.

                                          InkJet Printers
Price Range £30-£200

Laser Printers
Price Range £40-£200

Professional Printers
Price Range £300-over 1,000

Ways that photographers can showcase their work.

Images are everywhere we look, whether it's in magazines,books,on the Internet,on DVD covers,CD covers,in shows,events, newspapers, posters, billboards, menus,catalogues,fashion stores,post cards,calendars,cards and many more there is always lots of ways to use images taken which creates work for people. Some people rely on images to be produced for their work, i.e in the entertainments industry which can create lots of competition with photographers. Other Photos are showcased just for personal use maybe just for friends and family and for memories whereas other people who are creative want to show their talent to others, To become a professional photographer and to have your images published for the public to view would be a great way forward to gain you new clients and fans.

.Photograph Exhibitions
.Social networking sites
. Flicker
.In magazines/Newspapers
.In published books
.Through agencies
online images sites


For Professional Photographers such as those running a  business like weddings or famous photographers websites are a very popular way of showcasing in this modern day .
With people using computers more, it's easy for clients seeking photographers to see the work they have produced and to get in contact with the photographer. On a website the photographer can put their images up for display in an  on line portfolio along with info about themselves. i.e how they got into photography . They also have contact details like phone numbers, email addresses, or home address to contact the photographer. So it makes an easy way to show case work but it can also be expensive to have a website designed and kept up to date.

Below is a wedding photographer website link which is how a website can look.


A cheaper option maybe for amateur photographers or someone just starting off and wanting to display their work and to get feedback on your images through people's comments is Flicker. It's a free site you can sign up to and you can follow other people's images you like and add them to your favourites,which is a good way of getting some inspiration. You can contact other photographers, leave comments and also buy some images.

Below is a link to flicker

Social networking 

 Face book and Twitter are used a lot by people now so are another way to get a wider range of the public to see your images on line and its free to sign up to and use.You can control what images you want to show on your sites and also write any info you want others to know about or what you are up to with your work which means advertising is good  on social networks sites.
Below is a link to Twitter

Photo Exhibitions

Photo Exhibitions are a way for mainly professional or famous photographers to showcase their images in a room which has been set up.  Images may be hung up in frames and maybe a bit of writing about the image underneath. Exhibitions may be open for public viewing or by invitation only. This is a way that the public can see the real view of the image not just via the Internet and can purchase them, if for sale. It can get you more clients interested in your work and is a great form of advertisement.

Below are some image of Photo Exhibitions.


Many photographers that have had their images published by magazines or newspapers can often be working for them as professional photographers and by getting to have their images on the front covers of  magazines attract the attention of the public.



Everyday news papers are published with day to day news on whats happening around the world and also on line, So images are used to show these going ons. Many photographers working for the papers are placed all over the world ready for that exclusive image for the editors to receive . This can be a competitive industry.

Labels, Unit 211

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Photoshop People and Portraits, Changing our images

                        Photoshop people and portraits
                      Changing Our Images.

                                         Original Image
This image I wanted to change to a darker image to go with the dark look I gave the model. 

                                         Photoshop Image
This image in black and white now gives a more dark atmospheric feel to the photo. 
I changed the image to Black and white by going into image then adjustments and selecting black and white.

To make the image look darker  I went into image then adjustments and selected H.D.R Toning and then changed some of the settings.

I decided to add some colour to the lips so by selecting a New Layer to work on I then picked the brush tool in the left side tool bar I changed the size of the brush to what would work best and then I selected a colour to use. I then went around the lips with the dark purple colour and then selected layers in the right tool bar and selected overlay. I then went around any mistakes using the eraser tool.

                                                              Original Image
 With this image I wanted to crop to get rid of the water mark on the right side of the photo and I wanted to change it to a black and white image to make it look more interesting.

Photoshop Image
I think by making the image darker it makes the model blend in with the scenery. but the lighting still takes your eye towards the model.

I first cropped the image by selecting the crop tool on the left tool bar and putting a grid over the image to select which part of the image I want. There was a slight water mark on the lens because it had been raining so I had to crop that out.

I then changed this image to a black and white photo by going onto image and then adjustments and selecting black and white.  By changing the different settings I got it to a light black and white colour but I wanted it to look darker so I changed the exposure.
so for the final adjustment I  went into image adjustments and I selected HDR and altered the setting to get a darker look

Original Image
With this image I am going to change it to a Black and White as I think this would suit this particular portrait.

Photoshop Image
The final photoshop image looks much better and is more fitting to a portrait of a jazz pianist.

First I cropped the image a little by taking off some of the piano to focus more on the singer. I selected the crop in the tool bar and selecting the grid over what I wanted to keep in the image.

I next changed the image to black and white by going into Image then Adjustments and selecting black and white.
Original Image
Done at home this photo needed to be worked on in photoshop.
Photoshop Image
I think this image looks different. I have managed to create a silhouetted shadow of the model against the background

I cropped the image to frame the photo more against the model, by selecting the crop tool in the main tool bar.

I then changed the exposure to create a more silhouetted look. I went into Image,adjustments and selected exposure which I changed to +0.14

I used the clone stamp tool in the main tool bar to get rid of the window frames exposed behind the white sheet.

I put a white border around the image to frame the image more and make the silhouette stand out. By going into image and selecting canvas size I changed the width to 0.5cm and height to 0.5cm

                                     Theme2,  P5,M3,D3 

